How Much Does a Private Ultrasound Scan Cost in Leicester?

There is always a misconception in people’s minds that if a service is private, then it might be costly. But, in many cases, this is not true. If you go to a private ultrasound scan in Leicester, you will find out that getting a private ultrasound scan is not only really easy but also quite affordable. There are several kinds of scans that are available at different times of your pregnancy. Even though all of them have different prices but each scan serves a different purpose. Here are some of the baby scan packages that are easily affordable and you will also get a lot of benefits from them. 

Early Pregnancy Scan

The first scan that is offered in a private ultrasound scan clinic is an early pregnancy scan. There are three types of scans available under this scan. The first one is a viability scan which is available from week 6 to week 10. This scan checks any abnormality of the position of the fetus. It also checks the number of babies you are going to have. You can very easily visualize its heartbeat and assess the ovaries and pelvic area. The second scan is a dating scan which is available from week 8 to week 12. In this scan, you can also confirm your date apart from finding all the above-mentioned points. The third scan, available from week 12 to week 15, assures you properly about everything related to your pregnancy. You will also get a consolidated report. Each of these scans cost only £49.00 which is quite affordable.

Well-being + Gender Scan

gender scan

From week 16 to week 24, you can avail this scan without any issues. You will get a thorough report of everything that is checked during this scan. Apart from doing a regular check-up and knowing the well-being of your baby, you can also know the gender of your baby. Sometimes, the clinic might also give you a surprise gender reveal balloon. You will only need to let the one in charge know beforehand. With only £59, you can not only find out about the well-being of your baby but also the gender too. Lastly, you also get to keep images with you as keepsakes. All of these together really make a private ultrasound scan in Leicester quite affordable.

Well-being + 4D Scan

Apart from all the regular things mentioned in the previous scans, you can also get to see your baby in 4D in this scan. You can avail of this scan from week 24 as that is the perfect time for your baby to start to move, yawn, or even kick sometimes. It also helps to detect any kind of birth defect. This latest ultrasound technology not only allows you to see your baby in 4D but also allows you to keep a record of your baby moving in real-time. All of these can be availed only in £59

Growth & Presentation Scan

This is the last private ultrasound scan which is also quite affordable only at £69. The special feature of this scan is that it gives you the measurement of your baby’s head, abdominal size, and length of the femur. Also, it gives you an estimated fetal weight. Knowing all these measurements allows you to confirm if your baby’s growth is normal. You can easily avail of this scan from 24-42 weeks.

Therefore, choose a private ultrasound scan in Leicester as they are quite affordable.

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